How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Winnipeg?

A dental implant is an artificial root that is placed under the gums and into the bone. Dental implants are a great long-term solution for any missing teeth, whether it be a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even if you are looking to secure a denture! Dental implants can have a life span of up to 35+ years! 

The average cost of a dental implant in Winnipeg can range from $3500 - $5000.00 to replace a single tooth. There are many factors when placing an implant: Is the tooth still present? Is there enough bone to place the implant, or does bone grafting need to be completed? The cost of the implant typically includes the entire implant treatment, including placement of the implant and the final crown which gets secured onto the implant once the implant has integrated. 

Get Your FREE Implant Consultation and CT Scan Today!

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When calamity strikes, sometimes teeth are forced to be extracted.  Whether it’s from rampant decay or trauma or basic breakdown, compromised teeth have a finite lifespan.  When that tooth’s life has ended and needs to be extracted, there are 4 options for that space:

  1. Leave the space as is and do nothing to it.

  2. Fabricate a flipper denture that you take in and out everyday and clean after each meal.

  3. Fabricate a dental bridge which sacrifices two teeth on either side of the extracted tooth to hold in the pontic tooth in the middle.

  4. Place a dental implant.

A dental implant is the only standalone option that does not leverage other teeth to stabilize itself.  When a tooth is extracted and nothing is put in its place, the teeth on either side of the space and the extracted tooth’s opposing chewing partner can all erupt or fall into the space.  This can cause occlusal biting problems and decrease the lifespan of these adjacent teeth which will exfoliate sooner than would be if the space was filled properly. 

A denture that is placed in a new space actually destabilizes the other teeth on either side of it and around the arch, since it leverages the other teeth to hold itself in place.  This can cause loosening of the teeth on either side which decreases their lifespan as well. 

When a dental bridge is placed, two or more adjacent teeth are destroyed for the sake of the one missing tooth, and recurrent decay on the retainer crowns of these bridges can decrease the lifespan of those teeth.  As well, when a patient chooses a flipper denture or a dental bridge, only the crown of the missing tooth is replaced.  With a dental implant, the crown and the root that was extracted is being replaced by a crown and a root!

Although dental implants sound perfect for any situation, there are many other factors to consider before choosing a dental implant. Because an implant is an artificial root, it resides in the jaw.  Ensuring that there is enough bone in height, width and thickness is imperative in planning for a successful, long-term dental implant.  If a tooth was extracted and wasn’t dealt with immediately, the teeth on either side may have shifted into this space, requiring the space to be reopened before proceeding. 

Likewise, if the chewing partner for the extracted tooth has super erupted into the vertical space of the missing tooth, that tooth may be required to be orthodontically intruded before proceeding.  Both of these issues need to be addressed if a partial denture or bridge is being considered as well. 

Finally, if a dental implant is going to be placed, ensuring enough bone is present in which to place the implant is imperative.  Sometimes the sinus cavity or bony ridge requires augmentation to accept the dental implant.  But, all of this takes precise planning to deduce whether or not a dental implant is going to work for your specific situation.  

Dental implants are not only used for replacing single teeth.  They are also used to secure dentures.  When complete dentures are placed, this means that there are no more teeth left in the jaw. 

For top dentures, suction to the palate helps to slightly secure it in the mouth.  For bottom dentures, gravity is your only hope for securing the dentures.  Although denture adhesives may be used, most people have trouble getting used to the ‘goop’ in their mouths all the time, as well as the fact that some denture adhesives have been found to be carcinogenic.  But, no need to fear, because dental implants can secure dentures!

Two or four implants are placed in the jaw and receptacles are placed on top of the implants that are intimately compatible with components that fit into the denture.  The dentures are then simply ‘clicked in’ and ‘clicked out’ of place. 

If two implants are selected, this allows dentures to stop shifting from side to side and stops the front from flipping out.  But, the back can still flip up at times.  Four implants placed properly can best secure a removable denture, as four implants can be placed in all four corners to ensure a stable denture.  

Finally, dental implants can actually be used to secure a jaw with no teeth without the need for a denture at all!  These full arch restorations skip the need for a denture entirely and give you back your teeth, just like your God-given teeth were.  They are permanent and you don’t even need to take them out - at all! 

We Aim To Be Your Top Source for Dental Implants in Winnipeg!

Our staff at Shine Dental will remove the prosthesis every six months for cleanings and ensure that everything is going as planned.  Furthermore, four months after surgery, we will fabricate a brand new prosthesis with a bar inside to ensure stability and strength.  Call us today, and ask about our All-On-4 prosthesis!

At Shine Dental we are currently offering a FREE consultation with a 3D CT scan. 

At Shine Dental we offer Assisted Benefits. What this means, is that you will be paying your treatment in full at your appointment and then will be reimbursed by your dental insurance. Our admin team will gladly help you submit all claims to your dental insurance on your behalf to help with the process! 

Dental implants are a fantastic investment for those missing one or more teeth! Dental implants function just like your natural teeth, allowing you to enjoy a lot of your favourite foods! Because dental implants act as natural teeth and are so secure, they may even help boost your confidence and self-esteem, with no worries about spaces in the teeth or anything falling out! 

Call 204-800-8080 to book your FREE implant consultation with CT scan today!